Tuesday 12 June, 2007

Books, a Movie and a Song

Been reading Musharraf's memoirs. A bit late in the day, I know. But judging from the half I've completed, I haven't missed much. Sheesh! He tends to kill what must've been really dramatic events by trying way too hard to overdramatize them.

I needed to keep taking breaks from the book before I could read further. He just ends up being so insufferably full of himself. I guess that was to be expected. I haven't completed it yet but I figure, it's only mildly entertaining in the way he gives his version of events, Kargil et al. Can't wait to get it over with. Don't think it'd win him an election.

Also finished reading Pratchett's Jingo last night. Again. "One of the universal rules of happiness is: always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual." Haah.

Caught a movie called Shoot out at Lokhandwala: Based on True Rumours (If such a thing is possible). I'm afraid I wasn't paying much attention. I didn't see the big deal. Mostly bullets.

I have a new song I'm obsessing over. Bette Davis Eyes by Kim Carnes. Good writing. But the way the lady sings is truly throatily, goosebumpingly awesome. It's also got some very good guitar work. Been trying to figure out a decent set of chords for it.

And I have a new project. My own version of Mary Schmich's Guide to Life for Graduates. This might take awhile. Watch this space. Further bulletins as events warrant.

To end with books again.

I've travelled the world twice over,
Met the famous: saints and sinners,
Poets and artists, kings and queens,
Old stars and hopeful beginnners,
I've been where no-one's been before,
Learned secrets from writers and cooks,
All with one library ticket,
To the wonderful world of books.

Janice James

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